Arvada city council takes up the Preliminary Development Plan (PDP)
for the $30 Land Deal at the meeting on
Monday, January 22, 2018 at City Hall at 6:30 P.M.
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WATCH: KDVR Channel 31
'$30 land deal for developer
in Arvada questioned'
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PDF: NR-AAP Williams Recusal Demand
This following articulate explanation shows why Mayor Williams has demonstrated bias in his public advocacy for the $30 Land Deal and by his having already officially approved this project as a member of the Arvada Urban Renewal Authority Board of Commissioners. He must step aside and not participate in the quasi judicial hearing and vote on January 22.
[Council] members must fairly apply the standards in the ordinance to the facts presented, whether or not they agree with those standards. A [council] member whose opinion about the case is fixed and not susceptible to change has an impermissible bias and must not vote on the matter. Further, a member with a bias must not even participate in hearing or the deliberation of the case. This rule applies to any board making a quasi-judicial decision, be it a city council, board of county commissioners, planning board, or board of adjustment. [*]
The $30 Land Deal PDP is a quasi judicial proceeding. Mayor Williams as a member of the Arvada Urban Renewal board has already voted in favor if this project, he has an officially recorded bias -- he should recuse himself from the January 22 hearing and vote.
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