Mission: We are Arvada residents dedicated to protecting and preserving the special quality and character of the City’s neighborhoods and local businesses. We envision a city government that respects and honors all of its citizens with more openness, honesty and accessibility; encourages wider and more equitable community outreach and participation; and holds Arvada’s traditions and historical structures in the highest regard.
Action Agenda for Arvada
Since this document deals with current issues and policies, additions
and revisions may be made as relevant events arise and/or evolve.
City Hall for All Citizens
• • •
Restore Government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" through charter reform
✭ Two term limit for all city council members. End practice of ‘musical chairs’ to evade term limits by running for different council offices. Enact a two term (eight year) interval before a previously term limited incumbent can run for council office again.
➧ In the time of the 2013 mayoral election, for example, Arvada council had five of seven members who had first been elected in the 1990s or earlier.
✭ Make city council districts more competitive and representative of Arvada’s residents: at least two council members per district. Increase number of districts so that representation is closer to the people.
➧ Arvada is a major suburban city now with a population of over 120,000 people. Better representation and competitive elections will make city government more accountable to the people.
✭ Make the Initiative and Referendum process a true citizens' check on the power of Arvada municipal government by revising the signature and time requirements. The people's right to redress of grievances guaranteed in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, through initiative and referendum, as reserved to citizens in the Colorado Constitution, has been rendered essentially impossible for all practical purposes in Arvada today.
➧ The current city charter makes citizens initiative and referendum virtually impossible. A grassroots citizens effort to bring a controversial issue to the voters requires a petition of ten percent of the city's registered voters within a 30 day window – an infeasible expectation for volunteers and average residents.
Colorado Constitution, Article V, Section 1(9) reserves the initiative and referendum powers to the registered electors of every city, town and municipality.
Arvada City Charter 5.13 and 5.14
Lakewood, Colorado City Charter
Five percent of last municipal election voters for Initiative
Three percent of last municipal election voters for Referendum
Page 37
Wheat Ridge, Colorado City Charter
Fifteen percent of last gubernatorial election voters in 60 days for Initiative
Ten percent of last gubernatorial election voters in 45 days for Referendum
✭ Stricter requirements to limit the ability and reasons for holding executive or secret sessions through out city government.
➧ The city council and various appointed boards call 'executive sessions' at virtually every meeting and rarely if ever disclose the topic of these secret proceedings. This practice is simply counter to any democratic notion of openness and of government of, by and for the people.
✭ Revise city council's so-called 'quasi judicial process' to allow discussion, transparency, and citizen involvement in matters of interest to citizens.
➧ The present use of the 'quasi judicial process' excludes Arvada citizens and residents from almost all interaction on a specific development project with their very own elected representatives. This restrictive interpretation of 'quasi judicial process' is contrary to the essential principles of a republic – it stifles dialogue between citizen and council member, while giving development special interests preferential access to government staff whose reports then go to Planning Commission and city council.
Accountability and transparency at all levels of city government
✭ End and/or reform and restructure Arvada Urban Renewal Authority.
➧ The Arvada Urban Renewal Authority (AURA) has become virtually a separate government within the city government and its board members are unelected and therefore unaccountable to the people. Furthermore, it has become a vehicle for massive government subsidies to wealthy corporations and developers and it has become destructive of the free market in Arvada through real estate acquisitions and planning exceptions. Very little in Arvada can honestly be considered “blighted” in the 21st century and it is time for AURA to be transformationally reformed or ended.
Abolishing Urban Renewal - Littleton Makes Progress – April 4, 2016
✭ Open up the Arvada Report, KATV and Arvada.org to diverse citizens’ viewpoints; end one-sided city government propaganda.
➧ Government information that only presents one side and that only advocates for the government point of view – especially on controversial issues – is propaganda. All Arvadans do not all agree on all issues; a truly democratic republican form of government is best served when differing opinions and ideas are offered, especially in government-controlled information outlets.
Your Voice: Here’s a different conclusion about Arvada Citizen Survey http://yourhub.denverpost.com/blog/2014/04/your-voice-heres-a-different-conclusion-about-arvada-citizen-survey/33403/
✭ Promote public participation by revising rules to allow and encourage respectful conversation and dialogue during city council and other board/commission proceedings.
✭ Make RTD’s Gold Line pay its own way.
➧ While the merits and efficacy of FasTracks intra-city train lines remains to be seen, the city government is spending tens and tens of millions of dollars to subsidize the project of another governmental entity – RTD – that already has its own taxing authority and a budget in the billions of dollars. Furthermore, RTD's Gold Line is being used as the rationalization for governmental interference in the real estate free market especially in Olde Town for the benefit of specially selected developers and corporations.
✭ City government treatment of all groups and organizations equally — no special provisions for the Chamber of Commerce or other groups politically connected to elected council members.
➧ The Arvada Chamber of Commerce in particular has developed a political preferential relationship with the city government that is exclusive and unfair. Charging residents to attend presentations by elected and appointed government officials, the privileged treatment of Chamber activities at city council meetings, and the special access to government officials provided in the 'Leadership Arvada' program are but a few examples of unusual privilege given by government to a private group.
Citizen Power: Challenging Arvada Gov't on Open Meetings
Leadership Arvada – an exclusive program unavailable for almost any regular citizen.
“First Class – Two-day orientation retreat …”
“Regular Classes – Fourth Thursday of each month, October through May ...”
“$450 per person for the program, plus class project (not to exceed $50/person).”
✭ Open up city government committees and boards to all Arvada residents and end the current practice of cronyism. Introduce term limits, tenure limits and assignment limits for boards and commissions.
➧ The appointment of political pals by the city council impairs the fair and open conduct of local government.
“Dot Wright, former president of the Arvada Chamber of Commerce, spoke in support of Jerry Marks as the District 1 replacement for the vacated seat of Rachel Zenzinger.”
More Cronyism: An All Male Arvada City Council
✭ Make Arvada government a model for document openness and availability to its citizens. Public information and documents should be available and accessible on the city government web site.
➧ The Arvada City Council has engaged in deliberate secrecy.
Arvada Council's Secret Ballots Brings Lawsuit
Colorado House advances bill to let anyone challenge Sunshine Law violations http://coloradofoic.org/house-committee-unanimously-passes-bill-letting-anyone-challenge-sunshine-law-violations/
Hickenlooper signs bill to let anyone challenge violations of Colorado’s Sunshine Law http://coloradofoic.org/hickenlooper-signs-bill-let-anyone-challenge-violations-sunshine-law/
✭ De-annex Arvada boundaries west of SH 93 – Arvada does not need the expense of also being a mountain community.
✭ Directors or heads of city government departments and agencies must be Arvada residents – like the rest of us, they should live under the policies and decisions they help make.
➧ The executive director of the Arvada Urban Renewal Authority does not live in Arvada.
Arvada Government Sure Does Pay!
Preserving Our Special Arvada Quality of Life
• • •
Arvada's existing businesses, residents, and neighborhoods come first!
✭ Support local free enterprise and local free markets; commit to end corporate welfare, government handouts, and tax giveaways to developers and big business.
➧ Taxpayer subsidies to favored big businesses and developers is rampant in Arvada city government.
“So, last Friday, June 21, 2013, Arvada Urban Renewal Authority and the City government announced an arrangement that will give $5.8 million in tax money to IRG for the improvement of its private property.”
The agreement between AURA and Park Place Olde Town Inc. PPOT incentive numbers $3.3 million … or more!
Conn's Inc.: More Arvada Gov't Corporate Welfare
Solana Olde Town Station Development Agreement. The agreement was approved. The key provisions include tax increment financing (TIF) totaling $7,200,000 maximum through December 2034, and a requirement that ground be broken by December 2015.
Renascent Hospitality, a hotel developer … • Land subsidy: $2.8 million (site cost to AURA - $3.3 million less Renascent purchase price of $500,000 with $50,000 down payment). AURA would use the $500,000 to pay down the loan from the City of Arvada. •PIF (public improvement fee): $5.8 million. Arvada’s -
Trammel Crow: Arvada Urban Renewal $30 Land Giveaway Deal ... For Real!
October 8, 2016
✭ No discrimination against new business ventures; let the free market and free choices of Arvada consumers decide.
✭ Dedication to existing local, independent businesses in Arvada and end preferences for big corporations.
➧ The Arvada Urban Renewal Authority and city council picks business 'winners and losers' contrary to free market principles.
Sorry Safeway ... "We are pursuing Wal-Mart."
➧ Conflict of interest and favoritism have been a part of government in Arvada.
"Choose your hat."
✭ Rewrite city codes to enhance and promote existing local businesses; signage and parking regulations that help business.
All of Arvada's Neighborhoods are Special
✭ Existing neighborhoods are the heart and soul of Arvada: end preferences for new developments and give current landowners, neighborhoods, and homeowners equal emphasis and support. Make the Arvada we have better — before approving resource depleting new residential and/or commercial development.
➧ While streets deteriorate in Arvada proper, the city council approves yet more residential development far to the west of the core city, including a major subdivision adjacent to the former Rocky Flats nuclear weapons factory.
Toxic Suburbia: Fantastic Rocky Flats vistas, plutonium breezes http://www.coloradoindependent.com/145376/toxic-suburbia-fantastic-rocky-flats-vistas-plutonium-breezes
The secrets of Rocky Flats won't stay buried forever
'Candelas Concerns'
✭ Improve existing infrastructure first: our streets and roads at the top of the list, before tax dollars spent on grand development schemes.
➧ As any Arvada resident knows our streets are in an increasingly deteriorating condition: the maintenance of our city streets in being purposefully underfunded by tens and tens of millions of dollars.
Arvada Pavement Maintenance Chart
Pavement Maintenance Graphs
Arvada Street Pavement Plan - January 2014
✭ Maintain and preserve Arvada's historical assets and character, including Olde Town and adjoining neighborhoods, as well as farm, school, grange, and other historical properties throughout the City. The public should be extensively involved early in any process to alter or demolish any historical property.
More information, articles, citations and discussion can be found at:
Web Sites
Let's Talk Arvada - www.facebook.com/groups/554403894677126/
Arvada for ALL the People - www.facebook.com/pages/Arvada-for-All-the-People/222681271275480
Save Arvada Now - www.facebook.com/SaveArvadaNow
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